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A blogging website for motherhood and babies

Affiliate website for crafting niche

Built on WordPress, a travel blogging site

Tours and Travel agency, built using WordPress builder - Elementor

A website dedicated to gardening and plant care

Blogging website for chess

Affiliate website for tech and gadgets

Another site dedicated to learning tech trends and updates

For hiking, camping and all-things outdoor

A site for pet care and guides

A site for automobile

Affiliate niche website - Parrot Care

A landing page (donation) for a nonprofit organization 

Website for a homecare business

Membership site for foot care (orthotic)

Web Designs

WordPress | Wix (Editor X) | SquareSpace

Most of the websites I've built are for affiliate marketing, however, I am also designing for company portfolios, healthcare or homecare sites, landing pages, for events booking, basic eCommerce store, marketing or consulting agencies, and CV/Resume webpages.


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